Under President Biden:
The stock market is at record highs and much higher than it was under Trump.
There has been a lower rate of illegal immigrants released into the U.S. Biden, who literally continued most of Trump’s immigration policies and seeks to reimplement some that he did change, deported (expelled/repatriated) vastly more and at a higher rate illegal immigrants than did Trump.
Trade policy, where again Biden’s policy is a copy-cat continuation of Trump, has strengthened foolish “Buy American” requirements.
U.S. value-added manufacturing is at a higher level than ever.
Manufacturing employment is higher than anytime in the past 10 years.
And GDP has grown substantially since the Trump years.
Unemployment has fallen faster and is now roughly as low it was under Trump while core labor-force participation is higher than the peak under Trump.
Spending on the military has increased every year and is higher than under Trump.
I could go on, but I fear I’m losing IQ points with each of these silly comparisons.
If you find yourself reframing, saying “but, what about . . .”, changing the subject, moving the goalposts, etc., you perhaps aren’t facing the fact that Biden has actually performed well on many of the stupid metrics shallow political hobbyists prefer to dwell on. These metrics are ancillary at best and generally unrelated to how good a job a president is actually doing.
Biden is an awful president. But he also is a typical president.
The person who is the President of the United States matters a lot less than you probably think. And sadly the people who have held that office as well as those who have come close to doing so are not materially different in almost all respects. And where they are, it is usually worse not better.
This is both good news and, obviously, sobering news. Good in that we should stop worrying so much about who wins. Sobering in that we should stop hoping so much about who wins.
People don't listen when I tell them this.