Links 2022-10-30
Highly Linkable - links you need and deserve
Here is a group of recent posts and publications that are loosely related around the theme of prices and wages. Enjoy.
From Michael Huemer: What’s a Fair Price? Or: You’re Not Underpaid!
From Vincent Geloso: There Is No Such Thing As Wage-Driven Inflation
From Alex Tabarrok: Taxing Mechanical Engineers and Subsidizing Drama Majors
From Larry White: How Common Has Private Currency Been? (NB: Not that I ever would, but remind me not to ever pick a fight with Mr. White on the history of money.)
From John McKenzie and Richard B. McKenzie: California Leaking: People, Pipes, and Prices
From Charles L. Hooper and David R. Henderson: Expensive Prescription Drugs Are a Bargain