Remembering what I consider the low-hanging fruit of public policy—the areas I think libertarians should focus efforts—I would like to propose the best slogans for each. Obviously, these are subject to change if something even better comes along.
The Big Six and the slogans I propose:
ProhibitionFreedom = “Free to choose” - from Milton Friedman. This one is not “my body, my choice”. That slogan might technically work well, but it obviously carries inappropriate baggage.Education = “Fund students not systems” - from Corey DeAngelis
Immigration = “Open borders” - from Bryan Caplan
Taxation = “Tax the use of resources not the creation of them” - original to me
War = “Trade not arms” - original to me. I think this is more to the point of de-escalation and reduced intervention into other people and nations’ affairs. And it has an added bonus of hinting at the Bastiat quote “when goods don’t cross borders, soldiers will”. It is also preferred to “Give Peace A Chance”, which carries hippie baggage and doesn’t quite properly place the call to action.
Housing Development = “Build, baby, build” - from Bryan Caplan